
Tug-of-War Team.

Yesterday afternoon. with some difficulty, enough men were found to form two teams for tug-of-war practice. Mr. Mandell, who called the meeting of candidates, appointed M. Grew as temporary captain of the team, and he will act as such until the regular team has been chosen, from which a permanent captain will be elected. Only four weeks remain before the Mott Haven games, and until the expiration of that time the candidates will practise daily. Especial attention is being paid to the drop upon which the men will largely depend for their success this year, since the strength of the team will probably be far below that of the famous '88 team which has so creditably represented the university. If we are to attain success this year, it is necessary that those men whose chances are good should come out and try at once, as it is desirous to choose the regular team as quickly as possibly, and give them practice together.
