
Harvard Shooting Club.

A meeting of the officers and directors of the Harvard Shooting Club was held last evening, at which a plan was brought forward to get up a tournament, and to invite teams from the different colleges to compete. If this plan is carried out, the tournament will probably be held in Cambridge, some time in May, and six or seven teams will be invited to participate. Shooting clubs are becoming so popular in the different colleges that it is thought desirable to extend the matches beyond the annual match with the University of Pennsylvania; and for this purpose, the tournament has been proposed, the end in view being to form a league of all the college teams, which will meet every year for a match, either on the grounds of the different colleges or on some neutral ground, easily accessible to all.

But whether there is a tournament or only the usual match with Pennsylvania, it is absolutely necessary for more men to go to the weekly meetings of the club. Lately there have been so few men at the meetings that some of the matches have had to be closed on account of lack of entries. Such a state of things ought not, and cannot go on and if Harvard is to shoot in any match this year and make a creditable showing, more interest must be shown.
