
Clark University.

Clark University will be opened next October, and although no catalogue or even prospectus has yet been issued, the authorities expect to make known their plans in the course of a few weeks. Only three members of the faculty, in addition to President G. S. Hall, have yet been chosen; these are Dr. H. H. Donaldson, Dr. S. C. Sanford, and Dr. W. R. Lombard, all assistant professors. President Hall has recently been abroad to secure the services of some eminent Germans, but did not meet with much success, owing to the unfavorable action of Bismarck. The university is intended to have an individuality of its own, and not to conflict with Harvard, Yale, and similar institutions. It will be on a higher plan than these, in some respects like Johns Hopkins, and will be devoted to special advanced research, especially in technical studies. Its departments will include mathematics, physics. chemistry, biology, psychology, and the special study of languages, it will aim to take graduates from the colleges and fit them for the exceptional and rare work demanded of specialists in various branches of science. Special advantages will be offered to students in the way of prizes and fellowships.
