

The Ninety-One Nine.

At a meeting of the sophomore nine, held yesterday afternoon, S. V. R. Crosby, who played left field on last year's freshman nine, was elected captain for the remainder of the year. D. S. Dean, who was elected captain at the fall class meeting, was obliged to resign his position, as he is now playing short stop for the 'varsity.

A good many of last year's team for one reason or another, will not play this year; but there will be some good material to select from, and the prospect for a good nine is encouraging. M. Luce, who pitched in all the important games last year, has sprained his arm, and even if he could pitch the 'varsity would require his services. T. E. Guerin, change pitcher on his freshmnn nine, may play again this year, and A. H. Brooks is also a candidate for pitcher. He played at North East Harbor last summer, and seems to have good control of the ball. Mason, who caught last year, is not now in college. E. F. Fitzhugh is a candidate for this position. Peckham, who covered first base last year has left college and A. W. Weld will probably play there. A. B. Nichols, who played third base on his freshman nine, may play again this year. H. W. Corning will probably be in his old place at short-stop, and Crosby, Parker, and Cummings in the outfield. J. B. Embick is a candidate for the nine, and may play at second base which has been left vacant by D. S. Dean.

The schedule for the class games will be made out very soon, and from the above it will be seen that Ninety-one has a prospect of making a good showing.
