
Important Meeting of the Y. M. C. A.

A called meeting of the Y. M. C. A. was held in the society rooms in Lawrence Hall last evening. Mr. C. K. Ober, one of the college secretaries, was present and talked to the members of the Northfield summer meeting for college men. This meeting will be larger and more interesting this summer than it has ever been before. A large number of men from the English, Scotch and foreign universities will be entertained as guests. It is desired this year that Harvard, Yale and Princeton laise the money necessary for the complete success of the meeting, and it was to ascertain the sentiment of the Harvard Y. M. C. A. in regard to this matter that the meeting was called. It was unanimosly voted that Harvard raise her share of the necessary amount. The latter part of the evening was spent by the members in a social way.
