
Harvard Electric Club.

A regular meeting of the Harvard Electric Club was held last evening in the rooms of Mr. G. H. Chittenden, '91. In the absence of the president and vice-president, L. K. Perot was elected chairman. After the minutes of the last meeting had been read and approved, the annual election of officers took place with the following result: President, J. Hale, S. S.; first vice-president, F. S. Duncan, '90; second vice-president, B. H. Rounsaville, S. S.; secretary, L. K. Perot, S. S.; treasurer, A. N. Barron, '91: librarian, G. T. Page, '92; executive committee, G. H. Chittenden, '91, Perry Lawton, Gr., G. S. Curtis, '92. The following new members were then elected: P. L. Spalding, '92, H. S. Wilkinson, '91, F. A. Huntress, '91, G. E. Dadmun, '90, and C. Nutt, '90. The treasurer's report showed the club to be out of debt and a small surplus on hand. The report of the librarian stated that several electrical magazines and pamphlets had been received. Letters of acceptance of honorary membership were read from Professor B. O. Pierce, Professor J. Trowbridge, Professor E. H. Hall, and Mr. Hollis Whitting. It was voted that members be requested to hand in designs for a club seal. The meeting then adjourned.
