
University Mass Meeting.

In response to the call for a University mass meeting about three hundred men gathered in Upper Massachusetts last evening. On motion of Mr. Forbes Trafford '89, was made chairman of the meeting. After a secretary had been chosen, J. H. Sears, '89 stated the object of the meeting. He said that for years those most deeply interested in the athletic welfare of the university had felt that ultimately all our athletic contests would be carried on with Yale only; that many Harvard men felt that the time had come for the University to consider the question seriously; and in closing he moved that a committee of five be appointed, to consist of two graduates and three undergraduates, which should have power to consider and act. The motion was seconded by Messrs. Willard and Butter. Wetmore, '89, moved to amend by making the three undergradnate members of the committee the captains of the baseball, foot ball and Mott Haven teams. The amendment was accepted by Mr. Sears. When the question was thrown open to discussion it soon became evident that there was a decided opposition to the appointment of a committee thus constituted; in the end the amendment was withdrawn, and for the original motion was substituted one to the effect that the meeting appoint a committee to consider the advisability of the changes suggested. This motion was carried. There then followed a long discussion as to how the committee should be chosen, the athletic men clinging to their original opinion outlined by Wetmore. while a majority of those present demanded a more representative body. At length, on motion of Sears, amended by Post, it was decided to choose a committee of ten men composed of the captains of the teams before mentioned, four undergraduates, and three graduates, this committee to consider the question and report to another mass meeting. Nominations for this committee were as follows; undergraduates, Trafford, Herrick, Dexter, L. H. Morgan, Cobb, and E. Storrow; graduates. Herbert Leeds R. C. Watson, S. Winslow, Everett Wendell, J. J. Storrow, Thayer, Morrison and Dana. The ballot resulted in the election of Trafford, Herrick, Dexter and E. Storrow as the undergraduate members of the committee, and Wendell, J. J. Storrow and Winslow as the graduate members. These men together with Messrs. Willard, Mandell, and Cumnock will constitute the committee. An effort was made before the meeting adjourned to have the committee given full executive power, but the sentiment of those present was almost unanimously opposed to such action. A motion was made and carried that efforts should be made to keep the proceedings of the next mass meeting from being published in the daily papers.
