

There will be a rehearsal of the 'varsity Glee Club at 7.30 this evening.

H. P. C. THEATRICALS.- Rehearsal this afternoon at 4 sharp. Every one must be present.

COM.All men who have ever played on the '89 nine will please be on Jarvis this afternoon at 2 p. m.

HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- Bargeleaves Holyoke House at 6 25 sharp for Melrose. Anyone who cannot go must inform the secretary before noon.

The Bicycle Club will hold a hare and hounds chase next Tuesday, starting from the gymnasium at 4 p. m. The hares will be Rogers, '90 and Spencer, '90.


FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 12 o'clock. All must be present. Barges will leave Bartlett's for Melrose tonight at 6.20.

SEYMOUR HOWELL, Pres.The bulletin of the reserved courts of the Tennis league has been moved to the gymnasium, and signing for courts for a given day must be done before 1 p. m., and before 11 a. m. on Saturday.

HASTY PUDDING THEATRICALS.- Tickets for the Boston performances April 25, 26, and 27, are now on sale at Thurston's, the Adams House and the Parker House.

There will be a public performance in the Hasty Pudding Club Theatre, Holyoke street, Cambridge, on Tuesday evening, April 23. Tickets for members of the university only, $1; for the general public, $2, now on sale at Thurston's, 442 Harvard street, and at the Co-operative store. One half the house will be reserved for those purchasing $2 tickets, and the other half for the purchasers of $1 tickets.

Inasmuch as the reduction in price is for the benefit of members of the university who cannot afford the higher price, it is to be hoped that no attempt will be made by the students to purchase $1 tickets for outsiders. Pesttively no $1 tickets will be received at the door from anyone but members of the university.
