There will be a mass meeting in Upper Massachusetts at 7.30 p. m., Monday, the 15th to appoint a committee to consider the question of athletics with Yale.
W. W. WILLARD,A. J. CUMNOCK,G. S. MANDEEL,R. F. HERRICK,HARVARD CAMERA CLUB.- Regular meeting of the Harvard Camera Club in room 4 of the Lawrence Scientific School, Monday, April 15, at 7.30 p. m.
R. W. WOOD. Sec.FOR SALE.- Four-oared cedar shell with oars and rigging complete. Built by Ruddock and fitted with Davis appliances throughout. Hardly used at all. A bargain. Address, "SCULLER" Boston Globe.
Arrangements to collect old periodicals and newspapers and deliver them to the sick in the Boston City Hospital have been made by students. At least one ward can be supplied with reading matter. All magazines and periodicals will be acceptable, no matter how old, and will be called for on addressing R. L. Weeks. 74 Sacramento street.
Will the following men please sit for their class pictures at once, in order that the work may be completed: Brodhead, Craven, Dunlap, Frank, Hawley, Hobart, Hulley, Hutchinson, Jennings, Johnson, Joline, Lemon, Luck, McGehee, Marble, Merrill J. D., Nields, Partridge, Reisner, Rich, Saunders, Smith, Strong, Thayer, F. W., Trail, Wait, Warren, W. H., Wilson.
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