

No Headline

We desire to call the attention of all members of the University to the notice which appears in another column of the course of three lectures to be given on successive Monday evenings, beginning tonight, under the auspices of the Harvard Finance Club. While these lectures are to be given on topics in which the Finance Club are especially interested, the subjects to be discussed are ones with which every one ought to be acquainted, and the lectures will, no doubt, excite a general interest. The lecturers are men of well known ability, and will treat their subjects in a most interesting way. We are glad to see the enterprising spirit which the Finance Club displays in giving this course of lectures. We believe that it is the established custom of the club to give such a course each year; it is certainly evidence of a most commendable activity.

The lectures will be open to the public, and doubtless a great many Cambridge people will avail themselves of the courtesy extended by the Club.
