Hereafter only one lecture a week will be given in N. H. 4.
There will be an hour examination in Engineering 7 next Monday.
W. Barnes, Jr. '88, has been elected president of the Albany Press Club.
The Mott Haven team have commenced taking a morning walk at eight o'clock.
The freshman nine will play a game with Tech. '91 this afternoon on the Tech. grounds in Boston.
The Yale university crew rowed in a shell Thursday for the first time this year. Carter, '88 S., coached them.
The University Banjo Club and the Freshman Glee Club will give a concert at Melrose next Monday evening.
Tables No. 32 and 33 have formed a base ball nine, with G. P. Wardner as captain and are ready to receive challenges from any other amateur nine.
The race between Cornell, Columbia, and the University of Pennsylvania will be rowed June 28th, the day before the Yale-Harvard race.
The annual three mile class races at University of Penn. were won by '91 in 17 minutes and 18 seconds. One of the freshman crew broke his oar and jumped overboard.
It was stated by mistake in yesterday's paper that all the prizes for the bicycle race meet are offered by dealers in sporting goods. Only those designated are given thus, most of the prizes being offered by the club.
The following are the assignments in English 6 for the remainder of the year: April 17, Nields, Wetmore, Wright, Friends; April 24, Clark, W. C. Green, Monroe, Sunbridge; May 1, Anderson, Bigelow, Jellinek, Newell; May 8, Albee, Huntress, C. M. Thayer, F. M. Thayer; May 15, Newell, Stone, Woodbury, Wright. All briefs are to be submitted to Professor Hart, and all questions selected in conference with him.
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