ADOPTED, FEBRUARY 12, 1889.New Regulation-The Freshman class is placed under the special charge of a committee of the Faculty, each member of which acts as adviser to a certain portion of the class. Every Freshman is required to submit his choice of studies to his advisor at or before the beginning of the year, and his work is to be carried on under the supervision of that officer. He may consult his advisor upon any topic relating to his college life.
Amendments.- For S 37, substitute.- Returns of absences from college exercises are made daily to the Secretary and the absences of each student are entered at once upon his record. When the returns in any case are made by a monitor a duplicate record is furnished to the instructor.
To S 4, add the following paragraph.- Any choice of elective courses which calls for attendance on more than three lectures or recitations in those elective courses on any one day of the week must receive the written approval of the Dean.
ADOPTED, FEBRUARY 19.Amendments. For S 5, substitute.- No changes of elective studies are allowed after the beginning of the year except by leave of a committee of the Faculty, to whom application must be made in writing, with a full statement of the reasons for the proposed change.
For S 7, substitute-Every student is required to satisfy the instructor in each of his courses of study in such way as the instructor may determine, that he is performing the work of the course in a systematic manner. Instructors will provide suitable tests (either for all or for a part of their students), with sufficient frequency to give effect to this regulation, and will report at once to the Dean the names of any students who have not satisfied them that they are doing their work systematically.
STANDING VOTE OF THE FACULTY.- Admonition for neglect of duty may be administered by the dean at his discretion. without a vote of the Faculty, and the names of students so admonished shall be reported to the Faculty at its next meeting,
ADOPTED FEBRUARY 26.Amendment. For S 19, substitute-Instructors may at their pleasure substitute for their regular exercises one hour examinations, with or without notice, provided that not more than three examinations with notice be held during the year in a full course and not more than two in a half-couase. Other examinations can be held only by vote of the Faculy,
ADOPTED MARCH 5.Amendment. Amend S 42, by inserting the quoted clause: Probation means that a student is in serious danger of separation from college. When a student has been put on probation, whether for a stated period or not, he can be restored to full standing only by a special vote of the faculty. While on probation he is not permitted to compete for any prizes or honors offered by the college, nor to take part in any public theatrical or musical performance or athletic contest, nor will he be recommended for a degree. "He may be required to put himself under the direction of a private tutor approved by the dean, or to report daily to a college officer, or to do both." If, after a reasonable period of trial, his conduct is still unsatisfactory, his probation will be closed, and his connection with the college will then cease.
STANDING VOTE OF THE FACULTY: Voted that, for the information of the administrative officers, advisers, and parents, the dean call on all the instructors to hand in reports of the scholarship of all their students at or about November 10, March 1, and May 1, the reports to be expressed in terms of the grades established by the faculty. That the dean may also call for reports at or about January 1, and April 1, concerning students who appear to require special supervision. That all reports shall be provisional, and shall be wholly superseded by the final returns for the year.
ADOPTED MARCH 22.Amendment-Amend S 35 by adding the quoted clause: Every student is required to present himself for registration on Thursday the first day of the academic year, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 1 p. m., at a place announced on the bulletin boards. "He is further required to register not later than 12 o'clock noon on the first week day after the Christmas recess and after the April recess."
ADOPTED APRIL 2.Amendment-To S 8, add the following paragraph: Any student who has been excluded from one or more courses may be required to place himself under the direction of a person approved by the dean.
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