Ready in the men's furnishings department:
A good assortment of the best made cheviot shirts with ties to match. Custom orders taken for cheviot and flannel shirts.
Striped tennis trousers and blazers.
Tennis rackets, both English and American stringing, tennis balls, nets and rubber racket handles. Also, base balls, bats, catcher's gloves, masks and protectors.
A good variety of tennis shoes.
Orders taken for pajamas. A large assortment of samples is now ready to select from.
The adjustable trouser shaper has proved to be a success. Try one.
Ready in the book department: Collignon's "Manual of Greek Archaeology."
Mivart's "The Cat."
Jane Austin's "Northanger Abbey."
Goldsmith's "The Vicar of Wakefield."
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Harvard Fencers Win.