The arrangements for the Bicycle Race Meeting are nearly completed. The meeting will be held on the Holmes Field track on Saturday, May 11, at 2.30 p. m. The events, with the prizes offered will be as follows:
1, One-mile safety, handicap (open), 100 yards limit. 1st prize, Kodak Camera; 2d prize, Columbia cup, given by the Pope M'f'g. Co.; 3d prize, Flobert Rifle.
2, Quarter-mile bicycle, scratch, (open). 1st prize, Anthony's Lilliput Detective Camera, given by Barker and Starbird, 56 Bromfield street, Boston; 2d prize, Smith and Wesson hammerless revolver; 3d prize, "Pettitt" tennis racket.
3, One-mile interscholastic, stratch, (open to all preparatory schools in New England.) 1st prize, sole leather traveling bag; 2d prize, "Sears Special" racket; 3d prize, silver cup.
4, One-mile bicycle, handicap, 120 yards limit (open). 1st prize, Meyrowitz Bros. yachting glass, given by the Coventry Machinists Co.; 2d prize, traveling bag; 3d prize, engraved silver cup.
5, One-mile bicycle, 3.20 class, scratch, (open to members of the H. B. C.). 1st prize, U. S. signal glass, given by Wm. Read and Son; 2d prize, "Sears Special" racket, given by Wright and Ditson; 3d prize, engraved silver cup.
6, Two-mile tandem safety, scratch (open). 1st prize, two brass standing lamps; 2d prize, two stop watches; 3d prize, two engraved silver cups.
7, Two-mile bicycle handicap, 250 yards limit. 1st prize, Eagle bicycle, value $130, given by Eagle Bicycle Co.; 2d prize, Kodak Camera; 3d prize, Winchester repeating rifle; 4th prize, old silver cup.
The bicycle events are open to all two wheeled, one tracked machines oarrying one rider. The safety race is open to Rover type, rear driving safeties. The tandem safety race is open to Rover type rear-driving tandem wheels only. Any race in which the number of entries warrant it will be run in heats. The entrance fee is one dollar for each event except the interscholastic race for which it is fifty cents. Entries close Saturday, May, 4, at 12 m.
Four of the seven events are open to all amateur riders and it is expected that many good riders will take part.
The prizes, which will aggregate about $500 in value, are offered by the leading dealers in bicycles and sporting goods in the country. They will be placed on exhibition at Leavitt and Pierce's several days before the meeting. Invitations to send representatives have been sent to all the large athletic clubs, including the Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Manhattan, Technology, New York and Boston clubs, besides all the preparatory schools in the vicinity. Many men have already signified their intention of competing and everything points to a most successful meeting.
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