The following men will be on Cambridge Common, this (Thursday) afternoon at 3 o'clock sharp in uniform: Churchill, Spaulding, Carpenter, Codman, Thorndyke, Wren, Cummin, Rankin, Alllen, Childs.
C. W. CADY, Capt.LOST.- A small pearl scarf pin. The finder will be rewarded if he will return it to 48 Gray's Hall.
LAWN TENNIS.- The dirt courts on Holmes and Jarvis fields are now ready for use. Season tickets for the remainder of the college year, and coupon tickets at 20 per cent. less than cash prices, may be obtained at the Co-operative Society store.
FOR SALE.- Four-oared cedar shell with oars and rigging complete. Built by Ruddock and fitted with Davis appliances throughout. Hardly used at all. A bargain. Address,
"SCULLER" Boston Globe.Arrangements to collect old periodicals and newspapers and deliver them to the sick in the Boston City Hospital have been made by students. At least one ward can be supplied with reading matter. All magazines and periodicals will be acceptable, no matter how old, and will be called for on addressing R. L. Weeks, 74 Sacramento street.
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Special Notice.