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The success of the third winter meeting more than justifies the action of the Harvard Athletic Association in throwing open the events of this meeting to all members of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association and the M. I. T. This action was a decided innovation in Harvard athletics. The Association was doubtless influenced in this step by the desire, first, to return the courtesy which has been extended to Harvard athletes by other college associations; and, secondly, to make the meeting of more general interest. The remarkable success of Saturday's meeting proves that the plan is a move in the right direction. There was an unusual interest and enthusiasm in all the events in which the representatives of other colleges were entered. And certainly this interest and enthusiasm was justified, for so hotly contested were these events that in several instances the contestants broke their own records.

It is certainly to be hoped that the Athletic Association will continue the plan which proved so successful Saturday; it will surely result in better records, and consequently more interesting meetings.
