
Law Review for March.

With the March number the Harvard Law Review completes the second year of its existence. It has been most successful and has filled a prominent place among the publications of the University. The leading article of this number is an essay on the "Comparative Merits of Written and Prescriptive Constitutions," by Hon. Thomas M. Cooley, of Michigan, one of the most eminent authorities on constitutional law. The article states clearly the relative advantages of the two systems, taking the constitutions of the United States and England as typical forms, and will be of value to every student of constitutional history. Mr. E. Irving Smith contributes a paper on "The Legal Aspect of the Southern Question." Professor J. B. Ames, of the Law School, contributes another article on "Assumpsit," the special topic being "Assumpsit for Use and Occupation." The usual editorial notes, notes of recent cases and book reviews complete the number.
