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We wish to call attention to an article in another column, on the list which Dr. Sargent is preparing, to show the physical development of Harvard men. and the benefits which have emanated from the use of the Hemenway gymnasium.

To make this list full, and to give a correct idea of the good which the gymnasium has done, it is necessary for all who can, to be examined and to have their records tablulated. This list will not only be of interest to the members of the University, but will go out to show the public in what condition the physical life of Harvard is. It will also be to the world at large, a stronger plea for college athletics and the gymnasium work necessarily attendant, than an athletic victory can be.

A high standard of physical excellence should be arrived at, as showing that the general idea of the low physical standard of the growing generation, is false, at least, as applied to Harvard, which has lately been cited as productive of broken down constitutions, rather than of high physical excellence. Therefore let all who have any interest, which should mean the whole college, lend their aid, not only those who have had no previous examinations, but for the reasons stated in the article already referred to, those who have already been examined.
