
Freshman Ball Team.

It is not probable that the number of candidates for the freshman ball team will further diminish until out-of-door work shall make it possible to select a team provisionally. There are now about twenty men in regular training.

The outlook at present for a strong team seems good, though nothing definite can be ascertained till the men go to work on Holmes field. As the cage is used most of the afternoon by the 'varsity candidates, and men training with Mr. Clarkson, the freshmen take light general exercise with the chest weights, bumb-bells, vaulting bars, and then have a short run. Churchill and Hill, candidates for pitcher, under the instruction of Mr. Clarkson have made very considerable progress, and Bell's strained shoulder is much better, so that the prospects for a battery are brightening.

The date for one of the Yale games is in all probability fixed, May 15. The other is still unsettled. Captain Cady has secured games with Worcester, Holy Cross, and Amherst, though the dates as yet are not absolutely arranged. The team, excepting in spells of fair weather, will continue work in the gymnasium for the next month, and will be instructed in base-sliding, by Mr. Lathrop. After the spring vacation Captain Cady expects to have the team ready to go to the training table.

It is necessary for Ninety-two to take prompt action as regards the captaincy of the team. Mr. Cady was elected provisionally, and no time should be lost in acting upon his election, for confirmation or otherwise. As matters now are he is placed in the difficult position of having full responsibility without full powers.
