
Co-operative Society Bulletin.

Ready in the book department:

Fielding's "Tom Jones," 2 vols.

Shakespeare and Johnsen, British poets.

Thackeray's "English Humorists."

Mahon's "History of England," 7 vols.


A special bargain is offered on the following books:

"The Works of Francis Bacon," 2 vols., $3.00; published at $5.00.

"Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor,"

2 vols., $200; published at $4.00.

"The Hundred Greatest Men" with a general introduction by Ralph Waldo Emerson, $3.60; published at $6.00.

Milman's "History of Christianity," 3 vols., $3.60; published at $6.00.

Milman's "History of Christianity," 3 vols., $3.25; published at $5.25.

Ready in the stationary department the following views:

The Acropolis of Athens.

The Temple of Thesus.

Tribune of the Lynx.

Glen Tonidor.

Erectheum Carytide.

Different parts of the Parthenon.
