
Fact and Rumor.

C. H. Taylor, '90, has left college.

A chess tournament is being held at Yale.

The Yale nine was able to get some out-door practice last week.

Prof. A. B. Hart is at the hospital confined with a very severe cold.

The New York Athletic Club enter 20 men in the Yale winter games.


It is very probable that the Yale battery this year will consist of Stagg and Heffelfinger in spite of Stagg's persistent refusal to play. Dalzell will probably play the in-field.

The Herald is authority for the statement that the Lafayette College nine will make a trip to this section in June playing, among other clubs, Harvard, Yale, Trinity and Brown.

The annual meeting of the secretaries of the New England cricket clubs will take place on Friday afternoon at the United States Hotel.

The Boston and Albany Railroad has offered the Boston Athletic Association the use of the grounds adjacent to its club-house. After being graded somewhat these grounds will make an excellent baseball field.

The Yale Freshman Crew, as they rowed on the harbor for the first time Saturday morning, was composed of the following men: 1, Jones, '91, S.; 2, Balliet, 3, Kidd; 4, W. Haskell; 5, Crosby; 6, Thompson; 7, Ryle; 8, Swayne. Donnelly, '89, acted as coach.

In the whist tournament Chamberlin and Dickson beat Mulford and Greenleaf three games to one, tying with two other couples for second place in Section B. In the play-off Brown and Darling beat Burlingham and Everett three games to two, and Chamberlin and Dickson, three games to one, thus winning a place in the final round.
