Last night the Glee and Banjo Clubs gave a very creditable concert in the Brookline upper town hall, before an enthusiastic audience. The programme was as follows:
College songs:
The Little Fisher Maiden,
The Man in the Moon's Ball.
March Past. Banjo Club.
Lullaby, Courtship.
Solo. Mr. Hackett.
Flash Gallop. Banjo Club.
College songs:
Old Man Moses,
Imogene Donohue,
The Dude who Didn't Dance.
Johnny Harvard, Fair Harvard.
The solos of Messrs. Bullard, Hackett, Lockwood and Bradlee were well received, and both Glee and Banjo Clubs were heartily applauded. The concert as a whole was the most successful that the two clubs have given since their western trip.
After the concert there was dancing in the hall until twelve.
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