

PROF. ROYCE'S seventh lecture on Forensics will be given in Sever 11, Tuesday, March 5, at 4 o'clock.

THERE will be no exercise in History 13, 17 and 20 (d) on Tuesday or Wednesday.

ALBERT BUSHNELL HART.THERE will be a meeting of the H. B. C. Race-Meet committee Wednesday evening at 7.30 sharp in Matthews.

THE seniors who have not yet had their class pictures taken will please do so at once, as they are delaying the work. Every picture must be taken by April 1.

PHOTO COM.SOPHOMORE THEATRICALS.- Rehearsal of principals at 1.30 in Holyoke 9. Chorus and principals at 7 in the rooms.


LOST.- A lion lawn-colored Scotch collie, on March 2d. Finder will please communicate with J. B. Van Schaick, 150 Mt. Auburn street.

MEMBERS of the Institute of 1770 from '91 may obtain their shingles at 59 Brattle street today and tomorrow between 2 and 3 p. m.

S. V. CROSBY.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal today (Tuesday) at 12 o'clock.

J. C. HUBBARD, Secretary.ALL members of the University who have at any time been connected with Phillips Academy, Andover, are asked to meet in Wadsworth 14 on Friday evening, March 8, at 7 o'clock to consider the question of forming a Phillip Andover Club.

THE class photograph lists were distributed to the members of '89 Saturday, each man receiving two, one to be returned to the studio, the other to be held as a duplicate. In ordering please underline each name in ink and return list to studio as soon as possible.

PACH BROS., H. Wm. Tupper, Manager.
