
Fact and Rumor.

Marks are out in History 12 and English 9.

Subjects for Theme IX., an exposition, in English B are due today.

There was no recitation in Math. 2 yesterday.

The Yale crew expects to row regularly on the harbor within two weeks.

The Camera Club of Brown are about to give an entertainment.


Stickney put the shot 34 feet, 6 inches, in the Tech. games last Saturday.

Over two thousand dollars has been raised for the support of the Brown University nine.

The Amherst Glee Club will go as far west as Cleveland, Ohio, on their spring vacation trip.

Three out of the four men on the Tech. freshman tug-of-war team were Exeter men.

Active preparations are being made by the Conference Francaise for their spring theatricals.

Chauncey M. Depew has accepted the invitation of the Yale Law School Faculty to deliver the oration at the Commencement exercises in June.

The monitors will mark as follows at Chapel, viz: Tarday after the beginning of the Doxology; absent after its close-Faculty order.- Amherst Student.

The Yale navy may petition the faculty for permission to enter their crew in the Decoration Day regatta on the Harlem river, for which Columbia and Pennsylvania are already entered.

A statue of Lewis Cass, Harvard '36, has been placed in the Hall of Statuary at Washington. The sculptor is Daniel C. French of Boston, who also made the statue of John Harvard.

Garrett E. Winants of Bergen Point has given money for a new dormitory for Rutgers College. The building will be among the best of the college buildings at New Brunswick. Its estimated cost is $75,000.

For participation in the recent Washington's Birthday scrape at Wesleyan, six students were suspended for the rest of the year, and eleven until May 1st. No action was taken in Hubbard's case.

The prospect for freshman lacrosse at Princeton is excellent. A captain has been chosen and a subscription for the support of a team is receiving liberal response from the class. The management hope to arrange for several games early in the season.

This year the Melrose Baseball Club will be made up largely of Harvard men. Bates will pitch; Campbell and Knowlton, catch, and Gallivan will be at third base. Boyden also will probably play. It will probably be the strongest team the Melrose club has ever had.

Roger S. Baldwin, son of Prof. Simeon E. Baldwin, is a recently-initiated member of Phi Beta Kappa at Yale who wears the key which was worn by one of the founders of the society. The key has remained in the Baldwin family for over 100 years, having been handed down from father to son through the several generations.
