
The Crews.

The boat house presented a lively sight on Saturday afternoon. All the crews went out on the water with the exception of '91 and '92 class crews. The '92 crew rowed in the tank for the last time on Saturday, and this afternoon it will begin rowing on the river. The Charles was entirely free from ice, and almost the only difficulty which the crews met was in launching the barges from the small float. The large float is in readiness to be put in position and it is expected that it will be put in the water today or tomorrow.

The Boston Athletic Club is very anxious to get up an eight to row Harvard. Much interest is being taken in the project by the members of the club, and if little difficulty is met with in selecting the men for the crew, and if Harvard will agree to row a race, the club will buy a shell. There are several college oarsmen in the Athletic Club and an eight selected from their number could hardly fail to be a strong one after suitable training.

On Saturday, the second 'varsity was the first to go out, using last year's 'varsity barge, which was brought up from South Boston on Friday. The following men composed the crew which went on the river at half-past two and were out for an hour or more:

Staunton, '89, bow; Winthrop, '91, 2; Tyson, '90, 3; Clark, '91, 4; Hebard, '89, 5; Longworth, '91, 6; Perry, '89, 7; Herrick, '99, (captain), stroke; Storrow, '89, coach.

The Ninety crew went out at about three. It was made of the following men: Gorham, bow; Bigelow, 2, Wells, 3, Chamberlin, 4; Darling, 5; Matthews, 6; Pulsifer, 7; Vaughan, stroke. Lewis, who is trying for the position, acted as coxswain. After the crew had been out for some time, Captain Crehore took a seat in the boat.


The '89 class crew made its appearance soon after the juniors and were seated in the boat in the following order: Perkins acting as coach, Proctor, 2; Hathaway, 3; Marvin, 4; Bartholow, 5; Parker, 6; Hight, 7; Dustan, stroke. For some time only seven men rowed, but finally the eight was made up by Storrow, who rowed No. 4.

The first 'Varsity crew went out about four o'clock. The men were: Staunton, '89, bow; Perkins, '91, 2; Sanford, 3; Alexander, L. S., 4; Finlay, '91, 5; Longworth, '91 6; Hutchinson, 7; Herrick, '90, (captain), stroke. Storrow, '85, acted as coach. There were many at the boat-house watching the crews go out, and the interest in the rowing seemed to be great.
