As this is the time of year when the winter games of the different colleges take place, it may be interesting to review briefly their history at Yale. The first winter meeting of which there is any notice, was held in '73, when Dr. Sargent went to Yale as instructor in gymnastics. At that meeting there were twenty men entered in twelve events, consisting chiefly of tumbling, trapeze work and bar exercise. Although the first meeting was very successful, for various reasons no games were-held in '74 and '75, and we find frequent allusions in the college papers of that period to the lack of enthusiasm in these branches of athletics.
In '76 the interest revived and a very successful meeting was held, consisting of much the same events as made up the meeting in '73. In '77 and '78, the meetings again fell through, but in '79 the most successful meeting up to that time, was held. The events of that meeting consisted of horizontal bars, vaulting, high kick, tumbling, running high jump, sparring, Indian clubs and wrestling.
In '80, dumb-bell exhibitions were introduced and in '82, the standing high jump. It was not until '83, that the last day of the games was set apart as Ladies' Day. In '84, the standing broad jump was introduced, and in '85, the University crews first gave an exhibition at the winter meeting.
In '88, the games were given jointly with the 2d Regiment, at which boxing and wrestling were omitted, and several events were thrown open to all amateurs. So from a small beginning the games have grown to their present proportions and time only will tell how many new events will be introduced in the future.
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