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It will be seen from the schedule of games, published in another column of the CRIMSON, that no pains have been ??ared by the base-ball management in giving the nine opportunities for the best possible practice. A large portion of the important practice games are to be played at Cambridge, and, therefore, the nine will have the right to expect a hearty personal support from the college.

It is to be hoped that the schedule for the class base-ball league may be arranged as soon as possible after the recess. The games played between the class, nines are always important in developing material for the 'varsity team, and the sooner they are started the better it will be for both class and college base-ball interests.

The Easter trip to be taken by the team next week can hardly be considered in the light of an experiment, although it is a new departure for Harvard nines. There can be no manner of doubt that the practice resulting from these games will prove of value to the team all through the remainder of the season. We may hope for a successful, although probably not a victorious trip, and in any case we may assure the nine that they are supported by the interest of the whole college.


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