
Meeting of the Chess and Whist Club.

The rooms of the Chess and Whist Club, in the old Pudding building on Holmes field, presented an animated appearance last Tuesday evening on the occasion of the club entertaining Mr. Prentiss Cummings, of the Boston Chess Club. An invitation had been extended to all chess players in the University to be present and unite with the members in trying their strength in simultaneous games against Mr. Cummings. Thirteen men took tables, and shortly after half past seven, play began and continued until nearly midnight. The tables were arranged in two parallel rows, while Mr. Cummings walked up and down between them, making his moves at first with little or no hesitation, but, as the evening wore on, taking more time for consideration. B. A. Gould, '91, F. Irwin, '90, T. W. Balch, '90, H. A. Davis, '91, R. S. Hale, '91, M. A. Black, '90, F. W. Burlingham, '91, O. Everett, '91, and R. D. Brown, '90, were obliged to resign in succession. On the other hand L. W. Chamberlin, '90, and S. W. Sturgis, '90, succeeded in defeating Mr. Cummings. The games with F. M. Nicolls, '92, and Bolster, L. S., were left unfinished.

This is the third time the Chess and Whist Club has contended with Mr. Cummings. The first time they won two games out of seven; the second, one game out of eight, and last night the score at the close of the meeting stood two games won, nine lost, and two unfinished.

Besides the players there were several spectators, who amused themselves alternately with watching the progress of the games and playing whist among themselves, and altogether the evening proved a very pleasant one.
