
Jefferson Physical Club.

A club called the Jefferson Physical Club has been formed by men in the University who are especially interested in the higher study of physics. At present there are about eighteen men in the club. The constitution is a simple one, modeled much after the one adopted by the Chemical Club. Weekly meetings will be held in a room in the Jefferson Physical Laboratory, of which Professor Trowbridge has granted the use to the club. During the year it is expected that every man will prepare at least one paper, and read it before the other members of the club. In this way, it is thought, an exchange of opinions may be made which will prove valuable to all the persons concerned. It is probable that no one will be eligible to membership in the club unless he has taken at least one or two of the courses of Physics offered by the college. Those members of the Faculty and instructors who are connected with the Physical Department have been elected honorary members of the club, and they will do all in their power to advance the interests of the new organization.
