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Several students have recently made arrangements to collect old books, periodicals and newspapers and send them to the hospitals in Boston for the use of the sick. As will be seen in the notice in another column, they hope to keep one ward supplied with reading matter and will be very grateful for any papers and books that men in college may care to give.

We ask men to co-operate with those who have undertaken this, for by so doing they will be helping on a very good and useful work. There are undoubtedly many men in college who have quantities of old books and magazines which have accumulated during their college course and which are of no use to them yet will be of great interest to the sick and convalescent in the hospital wards. We hope that when men see this notice, which tells of the work some of our students have undertaken and asks for contributions of books, they will not thoughtlessly pass the matter by, but by giving a little time and, care help on the undertaking as much as possible.
