
Facts and Rumors.

There will be an hour examination in English A. today.

There will be an hour examination in History XI on April 1.

There was no recitation yesterday in Spanish I.

Vacation at Yale begins tomorrow and lasts two weeks.

Cranston rowed on the 'varsity crew yesterday; Clark, '91, rowed No. 5.


English B. Themes will be read in Sever 11 today at 2 o'clock.

Davis, of last year's 'varsity crew, has commenced rowing with the senior crew.

The 'varsity and freshman crews were out in shells Saturday for the first time this year.

The spring meetings of the Country Club will take place on May 25, May 30 and June 1.

The Yale Law School baseball team is being coached by Hubbard, the captain of the team. Mattison and Stewart will form the battery.

"Ye Courtshyppe of Myles Stanndyshe." will be given by the Sophomores, April 1st and 2d, in the Hall of the Young Men's Christian Union on Boylston Street.

The new Ninety-one crew cedar shell which Blakey is building in his shop next the boat house, is nearly completed. It is 61 feet long, 24 inches wide, and is built throughout of the best material.

The Methodist students of Yale University have formed an association to be known as the "Oxford Club." A constitution has been adopted and officers will soon be elected. Dr. Chapman, of the First Methodist Church of New Haven has it in charge.

The Summer School at Northfield, under the direction of Mr. Moody will be held from June 29 to July 12 next summer The school was attended by a large number of Harvard and Yale men last summer.
