
Harvard-Yale Freshman Ball Games.

The following letter has been received by the management of the Freshman nine:

Mr. C. W. Cady, Captain Harvard

Freshman Nine:

DEAR SIR.- We received, March 15, your letter submitting the following dates: Saturday, May 18, at New Haven; Saturday, May 25, at Cambridge. An agreement relating to Freshman baseball games-according to a letter from Harvard-'90-provides that '92 play first at Cambridge. It was carrying out this agreement that led us to propose the dates mentioned in our letter of February 28. We offered May 25 at Cambridge, thinking it a date most likely to please Harvard. We submitted June 1 at New Haven, believing it would be most practical for Yale, It seems but just that each college should have the choosing of one of the two dates. Therefore, for the first game, we will accept any date Harvard may offer, provided, according to agreement, that it be played at Cambridge. For the second game Yale will choose as before, June 1, at New Haven. By this means, we believe, dates can be arranged by both Harvard and Yale, which shall prove for the best interests of the two nines.

Yours truly,



Pres. Yale Freshman Nine.
