During the past winter the CRIMSON went to the expense and trouble of getting up a petition to the Corporation asking for electric lights in the library. Over a thousand names of students and instructors were sent in as in favor of the petition. The petition was given to the Corporation with the result that the treasurer was directed to investigate thoroughly the advisability of putting in the lights with especial consideration of the expense.
The final action of the Corporation is published on the first page of today's CRIMSON. It is very much to be regretted that for the present no action towards lighting the library is to be taken, for the opening of the library for a few hours in the evening would be a wonderful convenience and help to the students. It is undoubtedly only a question of time, for the need of having the library opened in the evening is so thoroughly felt that as soon as it is possible, the lights will be put in. Therefore the editors of the CRIMSON feel that the trouble and expense of getting up the petition has not been in vain, for by so doing they have shown how earnestly the students desire lights in the library, and have caused the matter to be thoroughly investigated. We hope that as as soon as it is deemed possible the Corporation will bring about the desired innovation.
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