About fifteen men assembled yesterday afternoon in 33 Mathews for the purpose of organizing a photographic society amongst the students of Harvard University. Mr. C. L. B. Withrow, L. S., as temporary chairman, briefly stated the object of such a society and said that the faculty would surely countenance it; moreover, the corporation would probably grant the use of a room in Sever hall to be used as a dark room. Mr. W. M. Turner, '91, and Mr. J. E. Ball, L. S., proposed a constitution, taking as a model the constitution of the Boston Camera Club. This was adopted with slight changes. The following men were elected officers of the society, to be known as the Harvard Camera Club: President, Mr. C. L. B. Witherow; secretary and treasurer, R. W. Wood, '91; executive committee of five, Turner, '91, Pulsifer, '90, K. Brown, '91, Marquand, '89, and Blaney, '91.
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