Rev. George A. Gordon will preach tomorrow evening in Appleton Chapel.
Prof. Hart will probably take charge of his courses today.
The Glee and Banjo Clubs will play at the Boston Art Club this evening.
The Mott Haven men have been at work on the track this week.
Storrow and Perkins have commenced rowing with the senior crew.
There will be a lecture in Chemistry 3, on Monday, March 25.
The Yale university crew expects to begin using a shell within a week.
The Yale Apollo club will hereafter be known as the Apollo Banjeaurine Club.
The Yale launch is undergoing repairs and will be ready for use by the middle of next week.
In a few days the contract for the new Yale gymnasium will be open for competition.
The Bostons will play at Cambridge, May 23, with the Harvards. Clarkson will probably pitch.
A very successful concert was given in Boston last Thursday evening by the Tufts College Glee and Banjo Clubs.
A regular baseball league will be organized soon in Japan. The bats and balls have been ordered from New York.
There are five men practicing at Princeton for the contest in football kicking, which will occur at the first spring games.
The subject of establishing a Duetscher Verein at Yale among the professors and undergraduates is being agitated.
Cornell will have an eight oared crew next fall. Thayer, the noted oarsman of last year's four, will probably stroke the crew.
In the tug-of-war between Princeton and Columbia at the games given at Princeton, for the benefit of the base ball team, Columbia pulled Princeton four inches.
The fact that college journalism is not common in Europe will make the exhibit at the Paris Exposition of American college journals of unusual interest.
The St. Paul's School cricket eleven will make a tour of Canada during the summer vacation. Twelve games have been arranged in the most important Canadian cities.
Forty-one books have been published by Yale professors within the last seven years.- Yale News.
Investigation shows that the publications of officers of Harvard numbered during the two years 1885 and 1887, nine hundred and thirty-three. Many of these publications, however, are magazine articles.
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