
The Vesper Service.

The regular weekly vesper service was held in Appleton Chapel yesterday afternoon. The choir opened the service with Ford's anthem, "Exandivit Dominus." Dr. G. A. Gordon led in the responsive service, after which the choir sang the anthem, "I will sing of thy power" by Sullivan.

Dr. Brooks was the preacher of the afternoon. He read a portion of the twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew. He spoke of the simplicity with which the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is here described, and said that in that very simple city there are many lessons for us. He dwelt particularly upon the second verse of the chapter. It illustrated the need of the greatest things of this world for the least, of the highest for the lowest. The most insignificant things become essential when there is a demand for them. So in life, there is a place for everyone; no one should become discouraged because he does not see the value of his work. It has a place in the plan of God. If students could only realize that their own individuality is essential to the complete fulfillment of God's plan, and that His plan envelops all theirs, conceit and self-consciousness would no longer be characteristic of University life. Dr. Brooks closed his remarks with a plea for higher ideas.

Mr. E. F. Webber, of the Temple Quartet, sang "Jesus lover of my soul," by Tours.
