
Resignation of President Robinson of Brown University.

A special meeting of the corporation of Brown University was held yesterday in Providence, to take action on the resignation of President Robinson. The following is the letter of resignation;

To the Corporation of Brown University:

GENTLEMEN-You have been requested to come together today that there might be placed in your hands my resignation of the presidency of the university, and also of the professorship of intellectual and moral philosophy. It is my desire that the resignation may take effect at the close of the present academic year, or as soon thereafter as my successor shall be ready to enter on his duties. In asking to be relieved of these offices with which you entrusted me seventeen years ago, it is only fitting that I should express to you my sincere thanks for your uniform courtesy in our official relations, and for the promptness and heartiness with which you have always supported me in my official duties. From these duties I am now the more ready to retire, because the prospects of the university have at no time since my connection with it been so encouraging as they are now, and because it is now in a condition from which. under wise guidance and with such changes as in due course of events will necessarily come, it can rapidly advance to a measure of usefulness not hitherto attainable. I am, gentlemen, with great respect, your obedient servant,

EZEKIEL GILMAN ROBINSON.After reading the letter, President Robinson retired from the chair, and Dr. Caldwell the senior member of the board of fellows, took his place as presiding officer. Professor Gainwell then presented a resolution to the effect that a committee consisting of the secretary of the corporation, three members of the board of fellows, and five trustees, be appointed to select and recommend a man suitable to fill the office of President of the University This committee is to report at the annual meeting in June.

