

No Headline

It is again our unpleasant duty to call attention to a matter which has been mentioned editorially several times in the past-that is, the behavior of the freshman class at the exercises in Physics A. Their behavior is most reprehensible and deserving of the highest censure. In past years the course may not have been conducted in such a way as to have been interesting to all, but the attendance was voluntary, so that there was no reason why a man should behave himself otherwise than as a gentleman. But this year it is different; the course is conducted by several, instead of one, of the ablest professors of the University, and ought to be of interest to every man. This interest in the course, if nothing else, should keep a man quiet and not allow him to behave in a noisy, childish, and even pitiable manner.

If a man, when he comes to college, has no very clear idea of how to conduct himself at recitations, certainly he ought to have had ample chance to learn in the first half-year, and after the mid-years be able to go into a lecture-room and sit for an hour without either disgracing himself or disturbing his neighbors.

Let us hope that in the future there will be no need of mentioning this subject, but that the men who attend the course will behave as gentlemen, or, what should be synonymous, Harvard students.
