

Editors Daily Crimson:

DEAR SIRS.- Since at present the officers of this college are agitating the question of reform, I have thought that this communication may not be out of place. I wish to point out what seems to be a defect in oral examinations in this college. That examinations of this kind are here very rare must be admitted, but even so all cause for complaint either on the part of the professor or the student should be avoided so far as it is possible,

It is the custom I think among most of the professors of this college to have their blue books, after an examination, looked over, if not marked by some competent third party. The student accordingly is brought to feel the justice of his marks, and even if he is not so, he has his blue book to refer to.

But so much cannot be said of oral examinations. He has no such infallible proof of his work as his blue book gives him nor even a list of the questions he has been called upon to answer. To remedy this difficulty, I wish to suggest that, where it is not already so, a third party-another professor, or some one with a knowledge of the subject-should be present at examinations of this kind. I know that this system is practiced in some other colleges.

I make this suggestion that among these questions of reform I might point out one at least in which the student need not be treated as the "forgotten man."


