
H. A. A. Notice.

As announced in the posters, the sale of reserved seats for Ladies' Days, Mar. 23d and 30th, began Friday, March 1st, at 9 a. m. at the Co-operative Store. The sale will continue until the meetings. Tickets for reserved seats will not be sold to any one but members of the Association, who must present their membership tickets in person. There will be no reserved seats at the first meeting. Not more than five reserved seats will be sold to any one member of the Association. Tickets will also be on sale at Bartlett's; and on the days after meetings, at the door of the gymnasium. Prices: Admission, 50 cents. Reserved seats in the front rows on the east and west sides of the gallery, and in the floor section of the south end of the gymnasium, 75 cents extra. All other seats, 50 cents extra.

Extract from Art. XI. of the By-Laws of the Association: "No member of the University shall be permitted to witness any sports, unless he be a member of the Association."

The secretary will be at 9 Linden St., on Tuesday and Thursday, between 10 and 11, a m. from March 2d to March 28th; also from 7.30 to 8.30 p. m. on Monday, March 4th.

