
The New York Harvard Club.


At the twenty-third annual dinner of the Harvard Club of New York city, held on the evening of February 21, a neat compliment was paid to Hon. Jas. Russell Lowell. The dinner occurred on the eve of Mr. Lowell's seventieth birthday, and during the evening. Mr. Francis O. French, '55, read some impromptu verses in commemoration of this event. The verses were greeted with a great deal of applause, and were followed by the drinking of Mr. Lowell's health to the enthusiastic accompaniment of the Harvard cheer. The verses have never before appeared in print, but feeling that every Harvard man will be interested in them, we take this occasion to publish them.

TO J. R. L.

A birthday toast to him who sweetly sang,

New England's eclogues-then with nasal twang,

Exposed, in shifty politics, pretense,


Till startled conscience in his puns learned sense!

Who, with keen quill, a genial critie, flays

So deftly that his victims deem it praise;

Upraised our courage when our efforts fail,

For baffled hope yet found the Holy Grail.

Again with weighty theme his gleaming prose,

Limpid as verse, with wit and learning flows.

Add to these the honors of the scholars grown,

The diplomat's and publicist's renown.

Here's a full measure for three score and ten-

The toast tonight of all our Harvardmen!
