
Interscholastic Base-ball Association.

An interscholastic base ball association has been formed of the following eight schools, all of which are situated in or around Boston: Roxbury Latin, Hopkinson's, Noble's and Hale's, Nichols and Brown, Boston Latin, English High, Cambridge High and Latin, Chauncy Hall. The officers of the association are: President, J. M. Kendricken, Boston Latin; vice-president, T. E. Sherman, Roxbury Latin; secretary, H. D. Wintrenger, Chauncy Hall; treasurer, Russell B. Beal, Roxbuly Latin.

Each club will play one game with every other club, thus making a total of twenty-eight games in all, and as a close to the season, a team selected from all the clubs of the association will play a game on Holmes field, June 15 with the winner of the Exeter-Andover game, for a trophy offered by the Harvard baseball association.

The object of this interscholastic association is to encourage base-ball in those preparatory schools to which Harvard must look for most of the material for her nines, and the movement is expected to make itself felt by a marked improvement in our ball team.
