
English 6.

DEBATE OF MARCH 20, 1889.Question, "Resolved. That the duty on sugar should be reduced, and a bounty given on the production of domestic sugar."

Brief for the Affirmative.W. D. Clark, and O. M. Anderson.

Best general references: Allison's and Sherman's speeches, Congressional Record, Jan. 18,1889.,

I. The duty on sugar should be reduced because: (a) it is excessive.- D. A. Wells, Report on Sugar Industries; (b) a reduction would greatly reduce the price of sugar; (c) the duty is more of the nature of a revenue tax than a protective tariff.- Thompson's Protection to Home Industries, p. 105; (d) it retards, rather than advances, the production of domestic cane sugar.- Congressional Record, Jan. 18, 1889. D. 934 (e) a reduction would decrease the present surplus.- Public Opinion, July 14, 1888, p. 308-9.


II. A bounty should be granted because: (a) a bounty would make good to the domestic producer any losses occasioned by a reduction of tariff.- Mr. White, in Congressional Record, July 9, 1888, p. 6019; (b) the payment of a bounty would be a just and satisfactory method of reducing the surplus; (c) in this case a bounty would be better than a duty.- John Sherman in Congressional Record, Jan. 18, 1889, p. 931; Hamilton's Works, Vol. III., p. 246; (d) The beet-sugar industries of other countries have been built up by the bounty system.- Encyclopedia Brit., Vol. XXII., p. 628; (e) state aid has been an important factor in building up other industries both at home and abroad.- Lalor's Cyclopedia, Vol. III, p. 818; (f) a bounty would encourage the domestic production of sugar from beets and sorghum.- John Sherman in Congressional Record, Jan. 18, 1889, p. 930.

Brief for the Negative.Wm. L. Monro, and C. Friend.

Best general references: Reagan's Speech, Congressional Record, Jan. 19, 1889; Mills' Political Economy, Vol. II., pp. 350-540.

I. The plan is injurious to the domestic producer.- Nation, Jan. 24, 1889.

II. The advantage to the consumer would be very slight.

III. The proposition is for political effect. (a) It is sectional; (b) it is unnecessary; (c) it is not demanded by the community at large.- Vest in Cogressional Record, Jan. 18, 1889.

IV. Bounties are unjust. (a) They force the entire community to contribute to the support of a smaller class; (b) they are an artificial interference in production.- Fort. Rev., Vol. 42, pp. 638 et seq.

V. Bounties are wasteful. (a) They cause a dead loss to national wealth; (b) they require increased government machinery to distribute them; (c) they encourage producers to disregard the laws of supply and demand.- Nation, Jan. 17, 1889; Fort. Rev., Vol. 52, pp. 638 et seq,

VI. Bounties are unconstitutional.- 20 Wallace, pp. 655.
