At a meeting of the directors of the "Economic Club" held yesterday afternoon, with the sanction of the 'Varsity Club the name "University Club" was adopted, and the following officers chosen: President, N. S. Shaler; Vice-President, Geo. H. Norman, Jr.; Secretary, Frank Bolles; Treasurer, Lawrence Brooks; Auditor, James B. Ames.
The following is the constitution of the club as adopted:-
I. The Club shall be composed of officers and students of Harvard University who sign this constitution and bye-laws and pay, in advance the annual fee prescribed by these bye-laws.
II, The objects of the club shall be to provide accessible and comfortable rooms near the college yard to be used as study, reading and lunch rooms by members who live at a distance from the yard, or who for other good reasons desire such accommodation.
III. The club shall be under the control of a board of nineteen directors, of whom eight shall be officers of the University, and eleven students chosen from the college classes, the Graduate department, and the professional schools in Cambridge. Each college class acting through its officers shall name one director early in the autumn, and the board shall itself elect the remaining directors early in December.
IV. The officers of the club shall be a president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, and auditor. They shall be chosen annually by ballot. The president, vice-president and auditor shall be chosen from among the directors by vote of all members of the club at a general meeting held during the first week in March. The treasurer and secretary shall be chosen during the next month from among the directors by vote of the directors themselves.
V. This constitution may be amended after a week's notice by a three-fourths vote of the directors present, and voting at a regularly called meeting of the board, which vote must be ratified by a majority of the club.
The complete board of directors is as follows:
James B. Ames, Frank Bolles, L. B. R. Briggs, Lawrence Brooks, W. S. Chaplin, E. B. Delabarre, R. E. Forbes, G. L. Kittredge, G. H. Norman, Jr., F. G. Peabody, J. H. Ropes, G. W. Sawin, J. H. Sears, C. T. Sempers, N. S. Shaler, I. N. P. Stokes, D. C. Torrey, L. B. Williams.
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