
Co-operative Society Bulletin.

Ready in the men's furnishing department:

A new assortment of gymnasium goods, catchers gloves, bats and baseballs.

A new stock of summer underwear and hosiery.

Try the new suspenders.

A fine line of new spring neckwear is now ready.


Ready in the book department:

Sterne's "Sentimental Journey."

Goldsmith's "Vicar of Wakefield," an illustrated edition, 50 cents; published at $1.00

Bryce's "American Commonwealth" is having a good sale.

A special bargain is offered on the following books,

Don Quixote, 4 vols. $8.00; published at $14.00.

Aubigne's, 'History of the Reformation," 2 vol., $2.00; published at $4.00.

Walton's "Complete Angler," $3.00; published at $5.00.

Taylor's "Manual of Ancient and Modern History," $2.00; published at $3.50.
