
Vesper Service.

The regular weekly vesper service was held in Appleton Chapel yesterday afternoon. After the organ voluntary the choir sang Syke's "Rock of Ages." The Re. M. Lawrence then read the responsive service.

Rev. George A. Gordon was the preacher of the afternoon, He read a portion of the ninth chapter of Acts, and selected that portion of the eleventh verse which reads "And the Lord said unto him, 'Arise and go into the street which is called straight,'" for the text of his remarks. He said that whatever other characteristics the street may have had it was straight. It led from the country out into the country on the other side; from beauty unto beauty; from freedom unto freedom; and from peace unto peace. In this characteristic it is typical of the Christian's life, wherein all things are done in straightforwardness and rectitude. If we expect to receive help for our Christian life we must be on this road as Paul was. If we cannot see to find our own way into the way, we must trust to those who can see to lead us there, as he did. And, also, if we want to give help to others we must be in the way, for God's first command to Ananias was to that effect. Thus the whole of the Christian's life must be lived in this street which is straight, which leads from God to God, from glory to glory and from rest to rest.

The choir sang Shelley's anthem "Hark, bark, my soul," and "The shadow of the evening hour," by Barre.


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