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It has been said that the opportunities which the scientific department of the University offers for the study of electricity are inadequate to the need. There have been few students in the scientific school, however, who have come here with the purpose of obtaining a complete knowledge of this subject together with the intricacies of its practical workings, and, therefore, it is hardly fair to say that the University has been remiss in not providing the most elaborate appliances for the use of an extremely limited number of men.

The time has come, however, when the want of additional means for electrical study is beginning strongly to be felt; and the formation of an Electric Club has thus come at a must opportune time If the members of the club are earnest, as we believe them to be, they can hardly fail to accomplish their objects-partially at any rate. Their purposes are in a way co-operative,- to help each other in the study of the subject in which they all have a common interest. They hope also to bring before the University the need of better appliances in the electrical department, by the aid of which a man may gain as complete an education in electricity as in any other department of the University.
