

SOPHOMORE THEATREICALS: Chorus and principles at 1.30. Pricipals again at 6.30. Only one rehearsal of chorus today, so all be present.

CHESS AND WHIST CLUB. Important meeting this evening, March 14, at 7.30. A full attendance is desired as important business will come before the club.

HORACE A. DAVIES, Sec.Important meeting of the '92 Dramatic Club tonight, (Thursday), at 8 o'clock, at 47 Brattle St.

HARVARD BANJO CLUB. Rehearsal tonight at 7 sharp. Everyone must be present.

G. L. OSGOOD, JR.There will be a meeting of the Pennsylvania Club on Friday, at 24 Felton, at 7.30 o'clock.


The Y. M. C. A. will meet this evening at 6.30 o'clock in the Society Rooms in Lawrence Hall. All students cordially invited.

The 'Varsity Glee Club will sing at the Boston Art Club, March 23. All members unable then to be present will please notify me at once.

G. C. BULLARD. Pres.
