A new club has been started in college which has for its purposes the promotion of the study of electricity and of other topics which are closely allied with this science. At first the founders of the club had in mind only a small organization of six or eight men, who might be able better to carry on their favorite work by uniting to subscribe for the best journals in the country which treat the subject of electricity and kindred sciences. It was found, however, that a number of men were desirous of being in the club, and so it was decided to make the organization a trifle more elaborate than was at first intended. With this purpose in view, the originators of the movement called a meeting last night of the men interested in the matter at the room of L. K. Perot, 5 Felton Hall. About fifteen men have already joined the club, and at its next meeting to be held next Wednesday evening a constitution and bye-laws will be adopted. Temporary officers have been elected who are to serve until April, when the officers for the year are to be chosen. The present officers are; J. Hale, S. S. president; E. H. Lewis, Sp., vice-president; L. K. Perot, S. S., secretary; A. N. Barron, '91, treasurer; G. T. Page, '92, librarian.
There are many men in college who are greatly interested in the study of electricity, and who will be glad to carry out the purposes of the new organization by lending their endeavors towards increasing the prominence which is paid at college to this important branch of science.
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