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It has been the agreement between the colleges that make up the college football league, that the net gate receipts of each championship game be divided equally between the two contesting teams. And until this year this has always been as agreed; the management of the one college has always paid promptly the management of the visiting eleven one half of the receipts due. At no time before has any management delayed payment. But this year Princeton has departed from the established custom, and up to the present time has not paid the money due to the Harvard Football Association from the championship game of November 17 last, although it is now four months since the game, and although the manager of the Harvard eleven has written several times requesting them to pay as soon as possible.

We can not understand why Princeton should delay payment, for in doing so they are departing from all precedent, are violating fixed agreements, and are making themselves appear in a very unfavorable light. Even if such delay were necessary, although we cannot see why it should be, why has not the Princeton management had the courtesty to write and explain the cause of the unusual delay? Whenever Princeton has played in Cambridge, the Harvard management has always paid them immediately and it is only fair that we receive like treatment from Princeton, or if kept waiting in this vexations manner, that we receive some explanation.

Until we receive some explanation such conduct seems entirely unpardonable and certainly a great piece of discourtesy.
